Married and Navigating Jewish Life

Blogging about marriage and relationships

It’s really been a long time since we last posted

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Hi everyone,


So we really have not posted since 2009.


Like wow.


We have gone through a lot of changes since then. Another kid. Having to move to a new apartment. Relatives passing away, relatives getting married, losing friends, gaining friends.


We hope to perhaps to resurrect this blog once more. Will hopefully post something relevant later today or tomorrow morning

Written by frombrooklyn

March 31, 2014 at 8:17 PM

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So really in reality we lost our road map

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We started by giving advise online from our perspective and then got rolled into how much we truly dislike how the Rabbis are leading us in terms of sexuality, interpersonal relationships, family values, and education.

We kept going back and forth what we commented on this blog, which is probably helped with us getting lost.

So – we are going to break the cycle. We are going back to commenting on what we were good at – Jewish Marriage. Trying to get the idea out to our fellow Jews what a marriage should be like. How we need to retake control over these chumras and idiocies that are affecting both us and our children.

And also work on our book (yes a book but seriously unsure if we will ever publish but she shall see).

Anyways, tomorrow begins us a new day

Written by frombrooklyn

May 20, 2009 at 2:51 PM

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Two kids are really zapping us

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It really has changed our perspectives and marriage.

Honestly, we love the kiddies. However it has changed so much about our marriage. I’m sure those of you who have kids understand what we mean.

Writing up a few posts about that; how we have adjusted since we have gotten married.

Also working on our ‘toys’ recommendation list.

Hope everyone had a good Shabbas!

Written by frombrooklyn

April 26, 2009 at 5:55 AM

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Seriously, everyone should use these Monopoly Rules every motzei Shabbas

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Hey everyone,

So this is rules for Monopoly that you should use Motzei Shabbas to unwind to be able to enjoy the after Shabbas with their wife. Here are the rules:

1) Take out Monopoly
2) Give out the money
3) Have a pitcher of alcohol mixture (like vodka and orange juice)
4) When you pass go you take a shot
5) Doubles = a shot
6) Going to jail = a shot
7) Paying taxes/money into pot = shot
8) Landing on Free Parking = shot
9) Keep repeating till tipsy like us 🙂

It’s a good way to unwind esp. after the loooong Pesach Yom Tov and Shabbas


P.S. We are playing it right now, hense the post and a little tipsy as my wife is encouraging me to say


Written by frombrooklyn

April 19, 2009 at 4:18 AM

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Did anyone else see those flyers on the floor around Flatbush about the abuse law being voted on soon?

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Well did you?

We did. I was actually walking with one of my children. We decided to laugh at the people running around collected them to throw out, including an elderly woman (when I say that she looked to be in her 60s without any wig it seemed) who was running around particularly to throw them out. Along with that we saw a Hot Chanie, a few Oreos, and also someone who apparently yelled at his children to not even look at them and throw them out in all haste while their mother apparently disagreed.

Yeah so the essence of the letter was to tell people that there is a law that would increase the statute of limitations from only a few years to a while 10 years. And who is against this ability to go after woman who abuse men, men who abuse women, and people who abuse children? The Agudah Israel – and who have they joined forces with? The Catholic Church. Forget about the fact that also many prominent Jewish Organizations won’t even take a stance on the issue.

Written by frombrooklyn

April 17, 2009 at 11:19 AM

Great post about Ashkenazim going against Kitniyos…essentially ‘why do we have these chumras’

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Frum Satire has this great article with a few commenters bringing in links to show that people where this has been happening.

Honestly; too bad this wouldn’t be a trend.

Around here in Flatbush its the tendency to go more for the chumras than it is for going with just pure halacha. Of course maybe I shouldn’t talk, in my family we don’t even eat gebraks. Why don’t we? Because this is what we do. Maybe if we lived in an area where there was NO ONE doing it perhaps we would break down and do it because not going to not allow us to go over to other houses for Yom Tov – that would make it a horrible Yom Tov and I don’t feel that a minhag should ruin a Yom Tov.

However since we know plenty of people in Flatbush that do keep non-grebaks well..this is what we are doing.

Honestly chumras are currently breaking the communities into fragments. Or making people resentful of Rabbis. Or just making people into blind walking sheep.

Honestly, why isn’t an Eruv made by the same Rav who approves the Boro Park Eruv that Flatbush people use not Kosher?

How is there a good, kosher, upper east side eruv and none in the lower east side?

Why aren’t there are least mini Eruvs in Flatbush?

How come Rabbis won’t come out with a definitive by the book halachas for married people?

Why are people completely blind to abuses among our children and married people?

Why do divorces need to wait for weeks or months because Rabbis don’t want to convene their courts?

The list goes on…and many times they hide it all behind the idea that ‘this is what we say because this is the law’

It isn’t the law when it’s a chumra. Chumras are supposed to be accepted by people not forced upon them.

Written by frombrooklyn

April 17, 2009 at 11:10 AM

Enjoy the last days of Pesach everyone

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Hope everyone has enjoyed Pesach and will enjoy the last two days of it starting tomorrow night. Regular posts back after Pesach 🙂

Written by frombrooklyn

April 14, 2009 at 3:20 AM

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Have an enjoyable Pesach everyone; maybe we’ll see you around with our kids :)

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It is one great thing that we do look forward to on Pesach, it’s being able to take the kids out together to somewhere fun. Most likely this year we will be going to the zoo and the aquarium. Personally, can’t wait to take them rollercoaster riding but that will be a few more years.

Hope everyone enjoys their Pesach. We loved shopping at Pomegranate – we honestly dont think we paid much more than other stores esp. when we are only shopping for 4 and maybe a few guests that will come over.

So enjoy 🙂

Written by frombrooklyn

April 7, 2009 at 10:33 PM

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Reading a post from Da’as Hedyot about a former Bais Yakkov girl who calls herself Roman Catholic now

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Reading a post from Da’as Hedyot about his interview with a woman named Sarah who used to be a Bais Yakkov girl and frum Jewish woman and not states she is a Roman Catholic.

It’s an interesting read and something that people should actually go ahead and read. It provides a good insight into why Jews turn away from Judaism.

Written by frombrooklyn

April 6, 2009 at 6:31 PM

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Is your Bais Yakkov girl ‘sexting’?

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There has been a lot of coverage in the mainstream media lately concerning the concept called Sexting.

What is Sexting?

It’s the idea of sending provocative pictures via text on cell phones. The concept is also combined by putting up suggestive pictures of yourself onto facebook, myspace, whimit, etc.

After working in several schools I have seen Jewish Boys and Girls both doing that type of pictures.

And this also applies to adults. There are whole groups online dedicated to sharing nude/suggestive pictures of jewish people online. This trend is accelerating as the internet gets more popular. Honestly it used to be more contained onto Israeli only forums (such as Hyde Park) but it has spread to other sections of the internet.

People; really one needs to realize that with the internet invading our lives even more you need to be more aware of your own boundaries of those of your children.

Well if you are an adult and want to share yourself/your wife online then that is your business but do you want your son and daughter doing the same?

It’s time to start being more responsible about what goes on behind the web browser.

Have a good Shabbas everyone!

Written by frombrooklyn

April 3, 2009 at 2:59 PM